From the Field of Gettysburg: Two Unusual Bullets from an Early Collection
There were many different types of bullets used by the opposing armies during the battle of Gettysburg in July 1863. Cavalry troopers...

An Army for the Ages
The American Civil War is often described as a young person’s fight. While many of the soldiers who fought in the war were less than 18...

Original Civil War Side Drum Dated 1862
Original Civil War Side Drum Dated 1862 Drums were very important to the movement and organization of Civil War armies. Drums sounded...

Strange Relic of War
The soldiers who fought in the Civil War often brought back souvenirs from the battlefields to serve as reminders of their wartime...

Civil War Artillery Shell Jacket
Original Civil War uniforms are very scarce. When I first started collecting Civil War items, uniforms could still be purchased quite...

A Pennsylvania Roundhead Remembered
The company, which consisted of about 100 men, had four military gatherings annually: drill May 4th, review, May 12, and drill July 4th and

Tensions Strained British/American Relations during the Civil War
he Mason and Slidell incident, proved an interesting chapter in the history of the Civil War and was the subject of great public interest.

A Life in the Confederacy
The Company became part of the 21st Alabama Infantry, and Walker participated in the battle of Shiloh before he was fourteen. At Shiloh, th

He Fought With Custer
Joel S. Harrison was twenty-two years old when he joined the Union army for service in the Civil War. A resident of Lansing, Michigan, he v